It has been brought to our notice that few agents / agencies / individuals are contacting admission aspirants offering admission to Samundra Institute of Maritime Studies (SIMS) Lonavala and subsequently sea-time opportunity with the Executive Ship Management Pvt Ltd in exchange of substantial payments. They also are claiming to facilitate application and selection process of the institute and found to be using fake letterhead in sending  e-mails mentioning online interviews on behalf of SIMS Lonavala.

Important Note:
Selection in SIMS Lonavala is based strictly on Merit.
SIMS Lonavala does not appoint any outside agency / individuals to issue offers of admission to the Institute or to offer sea-time at Executive Ship Management. If you come across any such fraudulent incident or approached by anyone who promises to help you in return of any favour, please report at 02114-399500, 02114-399501 or e-mail us at VPRINCIPAL.LNV@SAMUNDRA.COM and PRINCIPAL.MUM@SAMUNDRA.COM

Anyone dealing with such an agency / individual will be doing so at their own risk and SIMS Lonavala or any of its affiliates shall not be held responsible for any loss or damage suffered directly or indirectly. Further, we reserve the right to investigate and take appropriate legal action against anyone acting in a manner considered as illegal and misrepresent and malign the reputation of the institute

I agree
Please read the below instructions before filling the online application forms (Click here for Step by Step Guide)
1. I have read and understood the SIMS Eligibility Criteria & Prospectus
2. I am aware that if I do not meet the SIMS eligibility criteria, I will not be allowed to proceed to the stage of online test. Also, I will not be entitled to obtain any refund of the registration fees.
3. All information provided by me in the application form is true and complete in all respect. I am aware that any misrepresentation or omission of information made by me will be considered as a sufficient cause for withdrawal of my offer and dismissal from the course at any stage.
4. I am aware that I can apply only once for a particular batch and  in case I try applying twice for the same batch I will not be allowed to attend the online test ; also I will not be entitled to obtain any refund of he registration fees.
5. I hereby confirm that I have adhered to the following declaration:
A. I shall not engage in or participate in any business or be self-employment during my training at SIMS. 
B. I shall not misuse controlled drugs or take part in any political or other illegal activities during my stay in SIMS premise. 
C. I have not submitted any false statement or submitted any document which I know to be false in order to obtain the admission at SIMS 
D. I confirm that my candidature is purely on my merit and does not involve any recommendations. 
E. I have not bribed any one in ESM, SIMS, Agent, or outside agencies to get my admission at SIMS. 
Course Selection

Please indicate the course you wish to apply for
before proceeding to fill up the form:

The batch you wish to apply is:
Payement Mode Selection

Online Payment

Personal Information
Aadhar Card Number        
First Name Middle Name
Last Name Date of Birth    
Highest Qualification Place of Birth
Marital Status Citizenship
Email Contact No. / Mobile No.
Height Weight
Mailing Address City
State Pin
Passport Size Photo
* Minimum size 200KB
* Not exceeding 2MB
Father Name Father's Occuptation
Annual Income of the Family
(Includes income of earning members of the family)
Father's Contacts
Eye Sight Colour Blindness
Major illness/ operations undergone before    
If Yes, please provide details
(10th) Details
High School Name Pass in first attempt
Address City
State Pin
Year of Education : From Year Of Passing
English % Aggregate %
(12th) Details
College Name Pass in first attempt
Roll Number of Board Examination
(* Please enter "NA" if you don't have the roll number)
Address City
State Pin
Year of Education : From Year Of Passing
Check here if you are still awaiting for the examination result :  
Please choose either one of the following to fill:  
Graduation Details (Optional, to be filled by candidates having BSc/ BE/ B Tech Degree)
College/Institute Name Pass in first attempt
Address City
State Pin
University Roll Number of University Examination
Stream No. of ATKTs
(Total no. of addl attempts made to pass in all subjects)
Year of Education : From Year Of Passing
Check here if you are still awaiting for the examination result :  
Please choose either one of the following to fill:  
Preferred Choice of cities for online test:

Cities Available for Attending Online Test

How did you come to know about Samundra Institute of Maritime Studies, Lonavala?
(You may select more than one option.)
Newspaper/Magazine Facebook  
School/College Family/Relatives/Friends  
Edu Fair/ Job fair Emails sent by SIMS  
Directly contacted  
Internet Talent Search Scheme Conducted
in School / Town / City
Field Office: Help desk for candidates (Click here to download)
Terms of Application
All related costs incurred as a result of the short listed applicant attending the interview, including cost of medical tests and psychometric test, shall be fully borne by the applicant himself.

 The list of successful candidates who are accepted for SIMS pre sea training, would be announced in our website. These candidates are to submit a non-refundable joining fee (except for caution fee which will be refunded after adjusting any dues) as per the schedule date stated in our website. Those who pay the joining fee within the time frame, will only be accepted for admission.

Any dispute concerning the interpretation of any of the terms and conditions of admission or prospectus shall be resolved amicably. If the student(s) / candidate(s) / parent(s) and the institute failed to resolve the dispute amicably, then the matter should be referred to the sole arbitrator to be nominated by the institute. The award passed by the sole arbitrator shall be binding on both the parties. The place of arbitration shall be the institute's premises only and the provisions of arbitration and conciliation act, 1996 shall apply to the arbitration proceedings.

Jurisdiction clause: - All legal disputes are subject to Mumbai / Pune court only.
Declaration by the Applicant

I declare that all information provided in this form, is true and complete in all respect. I fully understand that any misrepresentation or omission of information may be considered sufficient for withdrawal of the offer and dismissal from the course at any time. I also agree to the terms set out in Terms of Application.

I confirm that the information as set out in this application were provided by me and that the said information is true and correct.

I understand that I may be subject to prosecution if I have provided any information, which is false in any material particular or is misleading by reason of the omission of any material particular.

Further I, declare:

1. I shall not engage in or participate in any business or be self-employment during my training at SIMS.
2. I shall not misuse controlled drugs or take part in any political or other illegal activities during my stay in SIMS premise.
3. I have not submitted any false statement or submitted any document which I know to be false in order to obtain the admission at SIMS
4. I confirm that my candidature is purely on my merit and does not involve any recommendations.
5. I have not bribed any one in ESM, SIMS, Agent, or outside agencies to get my admission at SIMS.

I understand that if I breach any conditions above, during training at SIMS or even after training at SIMS, I will be subjected to:

1. Prosecution in court
2. Dismissal and pay all costs including Training fees if it is during training at SIMS prior employment onboard.
3. Immediate dismissal from the ship and I agree to pay SIMS:-
  a. all the cost incurred for my repatriation
  b. all the costs incurred for my relievers joining ship
  c. all the costs incurred, including training fee for my pre-sea training at SIMS
  d. all the costs incurred for my post-sea training at SIMS



Samundra Institute of Maritime Studies
The Training Commitment of Executive Ship Management Pte Ltd
78 Shenton Way, #21-00
Singapore 079120
Tel : +65 6324 0500
Fax : +65 6324 4544